How long does it take to upload ones information from strava?

Was wondering how long it takes to get ones information from strava into the system? It seems I have a bunch of runs coming up, but says haven’t completed any streets. Apologize ahead of time if this topic has been addressed before. Cheers

No worries. It can be difficult to search the forum.

The answer is “it depends”. Mostly on the current status of things - you can view that in CityStrides

It can take some time for activities to appear in the site, then it can take some more time for them to be fully processed.

I think your current delay is likely the Activity Processing Delay in that status page.

I’ve just joined yesterday afternoon and have nothing uploaded still. Yesterday the status said it was paused processing and would restart are midnight so I kind of expected something to be there this morning. It says Strava is connected. Is it normal to take so long? I’m not going to consider becoming a supporter unless I know it works!

There are a lot of new signups, which slows imports down. It’s possible for the queue to be long enough that your account isn’t touched for multiple 15-min intervals. :frowning_face:

That said, I’m realizing that the status page is focused on individual activity status and isn’t displaying useful info on full account syncs. I’ll update that to be more useful, and I’ll check on your account specifically.

I’ll reply back here or message you directly when I have more info. :+1: Thanks for your patience!

Fantastic and novel idea for tracking your runs and I can’t wait to start using it.

I popped by this thread as I was curious about syncing too but I only created by account 2 days ago and looking at the status bar and comments it looks like it’s all working away behind the scenes.

I had no idea how much manual work was being put into this before I found this thread so just wanted to say thanks to you, I can see this growing in popularity so good luck with that too. I’ll leave the site alone for a couple of days while it catches up with demand.

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