Hong Kong / Macau

Pulling this from the chat into its own thread:

James, how is the process of requesting for a country or similar to be imported? I see that there is a "Countries to Import" tab in the "Missing/Broken Cities Tracker" spreadsheet, but is this tab in use and checked? I am asking because I would like for Macau (Relation: ‪澳門 Macau‬ (‪1867188‬) | OpenStreetMap) and Hong Kong (Relation: ‪香港 Hong Kong‬ (‪913110‬) | OpenStreetMap) to be added. These are technically S.A.Rs of China (Special administrative regions of China - Wikipedia), but have their own administrative levels system for regions and cities in OSM (Tag:boundary=administrative - OpenStreetMap Wiki). I therefore suggest importing them as their own regions (admin level 3) with cities at admin level 6. Admin level 6 seems to correspond with the same admin level descriptions for the setup used in Portugal (Macau) and the UK (Hong Kong). Let me know if I should put this somewhere else :slight_smile:

I do use that Countries list in the spreadsheet, but much less frequently. The work in there is a bit different, too - I have to figure out what the different admin levels are for regions and cities. That work can be quite tricky.

Within CityStrides, the data hierarchy is Country → Region → City → Street → Node
You mention “importing them as their own regions”, so it sounds like you’d expect these to exist as Regions within the Country of China - just need to confirm my understanding there.

I think I need to review admin level options, though, because Macau looks like it should be its own region and city based on Macau - Wikipedia (and also because none of the subdivisions in Macau provide full coverage) … In those cases, I generally just keep a same-name record at both levels e.g. China → Macau → Macau → 馬忌士街 Rua de Eduardo Marques

The China → Hong Kong → admin level 6 setup does have full coverage & there’s nothing smaller that that … it’s unfortunate that level 6 is so huge.