Have a city pedal/bike site

Any chance this is still a possibility? I have been wanting to bike more but I’m addicted to tracking here and hate to ‘waste’ exercise on something that’s not contributing to my citystrides! Would love to see some kind of bike implementation.
EDIT: seems like this could be a great paid add-on feature.

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Would definitely be excited to see this added, as I bike to work and often change up my commute to his streets I haven’t ridden before. I would love to be able to track where I have and have not ridden.

+1 for me. I was wondering why my first few days of cycles didn’t sync with CityStrides :frowning:

Just wanted to bump this as cycling would be a very very very welcome addition. Us bikers want to track our city progress too! :slight_smile:

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I too think it would be pretty cool, though I kinda like only having one style of Striding to worry about. Though seeing foot and wheel on the same LifeMap would be pretty cool. Especially as I could see Striding close to home on foot, and further reaches on wheel.

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For those unaware, there is another site called wandrer.earth that does cycling only. I use both CityStrides and Wandrer to track all my exploring.


Thanks for the heads up!

Kinda wish I could see a bit without having to log in.

Oh, well you would sync to Strava like here to get started. I think he’s charging $ now for new users to sync more than their last 50 rides. There are leaderboards for counties and states based on points that are earned by completing new miles and completing towns. Everything is based on miles completed, not # streets. Biggest con is you can’t manually complete roads like with CityStrides, so finishing certain towns is almost impossible, even with a gravel bike.

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Thank you for that info and screen shots. At the moment, I really only ride to run errands (when I’m in a hurry and can’t literally “run” it). My wife and I also have a tandem, but we tend to ride the same route.

Interesting that wandrer.earth knows about counties, which are larger than cities. I saw mention here, that someone would like to see neighborhoods on CityStrides, which are smaller than cities.

It’s interesting you mention gravel. I have a friend in Dallas, and he’s really into gravel rides. So I shared the link.

Thanks again.

Take care, Eric

How would they get by the API situation if they are syncing via Strava? Once there are more users, I could see them running into delays similar to what CityStrides is dealing with. I would think one of major hurdles James would run into if he were to incorporate cyclists would be the API issue with Strava.

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It always made sense to me for “CycleStrides” to be an entirely separate integration / website. In which case perhaps the API limits are separate.


@supermitch Missed opportunity for “CityRides” :wink:

Definitely agree that separate site makes sense, especially if existing services like wandrer.earth that @laracroftny mentioned above exist and are already built out.


For what it’s worth, my Wandrer data uploads instantly. Like as soon as I see the Strava notification that my ride is ready to view, I also get my email notification from Wandrer about new achievements. My guess is there are fewer users trying to upload each day. Demand is increasing, however, because back when I joined there was no charge to upload my entire history like there is now.


Can I upload places that I have cycled? I have integrated Strava and Garmin but my main activity is cycling and it doesnt seem to recognize it.

I would like to find a cycling version of CityStrides, so I can have my running on one Lifemap and my cycling on another

I would probably prefer to have a separate site for cycling, to kep them apart. Would like to keep CityStrides running, unless we could have two very clear partitions…but then it’s not strides any more…

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See above in this thread at this post for another site that offer what you’re looking for.

Just signed up to wandrer.earth. Although it does say that you only get 50 most recent rides without paying, it looks like it’s loaded all of them… they are all listed in the “rides” page anyway.
It doesn’t seem to show everything on the map… but as far as I can tell the map only shows where it has matched the ride to a section of road, which keeps it neat in places you ride a lot - only one line instead of loads on top of each other, though no sense of “popularity” that you get from thick lines near where you live on CS. Also means that it tags the start of loads of little side-streets that you’ve gone past, whihc looks a bit rubbish. Eg, this is part of my regular commute to work:

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I do like that the map keeps it clean without overlaying every ride that you have done. If you like seeing a more traditional heatmap that gets darker on your popular routes, Strava’s is pretty nice but is a premium feature and has no leaderboards, percent complete, etc. I don’t do much city riding so I have never noticed the little side streets with false starts.

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yeah it’s pretty neat all-in-all. It is only showing my 50 most recent on the main map though, even thought the rest appear in my list of activities (and you can click through to individual maps for them), which seems weird… presumably it’s not about API access then?

Thought just occurred to me, from a recent idea: Should this ever happen, I hope stats are kept separate for how the nodes were gathered.