Frustrated with CityStrides

I have another take on this. @JordiMonge , I totally understand what you are saying. Initially I was very excited about the OSM updates, as I live in a growing area that is changing, rapidly. There were also many (OSM) problems that meant “100%” (as a CS number) of my city would not be impossible, without updates.

But then I wondered, “OK, I see that magical 100%. But as soon as a new street is built, and it is added to OSM (as I have done too), and CS updates, I will no longer be 100%” Can anything be done?

So I had this idea: First, second, third, etc. city completion badge

And there is also this: Badges for milestones

But what I finally decided is, “I was doing this for me.” Yes, I’m thrilled to know that I was at 100%, and I know that may change…

In reality, what gives me the greatest pleasure is my LifeMap. I like the idea that I “completed” a city, and people can see that, but in reality I was doing this for myself, and my own sense of completion.

I realize my situation is different from yours. And it seems that people are more active on OSM in your area, than mine. I just though I would add my perspective.

As I typed this, I had this thought in the back of my head, “But what could be done?” In your case, it sounds like you don’t want updates. But also the updates are brining in “bad data” from OSM. But even if the data was “good”, there’s no guarantee there won’t be valid changes. Personally, I think a) fix the data, and b) I could catch up with, i.e. run, the changes, as long as I still live here (in Keller, TX), but that is going to change shortly. I expect, at some point, I will no longer be 100%, unless I come back and run the new streets. This might be possible, as I’m only moving about an hour away, and know I’ll be back in the area for other reasons (family).

Well that’s it. I hope it makes sense. I’m still very happy with the CityStrides experience.

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