First city in Greenland completed

I have to share this as I’m so excited! Apparently I’m the first one to complete a city in Greenland! :greenland:
Didn’t know about Citystrides until September this year. Did a few streets in Paris on holidays, very few streets in Copenhagen, where I live, and then I went all in, when I went to Nuuk in Greenland for work. I finished the city yesterday after being here for 7 weeks! And today I realized I’m the first one to complete a city in all of Greenland. I think that’s a pretty good start for a newcomer :grin:

I’ve been in Nuuk several times before and thought I knew the city. Yeah, I definitely didn’t until now. Nuuk is so small compared to other capital cities with just 183 streets on 72 kilometres (and with just 20.000 people), but I discovered so many new places and loved noticing differences in the neighborhoods.
Sorry for bragging so much in my first post, I’m just super excited :smile:
I love this app so much, and I’m looking so much forward to using it on my travels!


Well done! Time to switch to Hard mode :grinning:


That’s awesome. Not bragging, sharing! I certainly didn’t know anyone was Citystriding in Greenland. Also, did you find you needed to make any OpenStreetMaps updates from what you found while running? Also, wasn’t it TOO COLD!?!?

Congratulations on this pioneering accomplishment!


Thank you so much!
I think there’s only very few people Citystriding in Greenland :sweat_smile: the person in second place is another dane with 98,5% completed!
I didn’t use OpenStreetMaps, I thought it was a bit too much to manage as I’m still figuring out all the functions in CityStrides, also the whole city was already included. However, I did come upon a street, where I should have changed it in OSM. Nuuk recently opened an international airport, so I guess they changed some of the fencing at the aiport area. There was a short street (more like a narrow path) along the runway and it literally had the fence running through it, and it had STOP signs all over. It was just 50 metres or so. So I decided to just mark it has completed manually :sweat_smile:

the road to the prison was also not on the map, but I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to include it in OSM/CS, because it’s a prison, so I just left it. But next time I go to Nuuk, I might try do some small changes with OSM!

About the cold, oh yes, when it’s windy, it’s horribly cold, and my fingers were so painful on those days, because I had to check the phone all the time! But it was worth it :pray: