Export home city lifemap

I’ve been playing with this little utility Draw all roads in a city at once to generate a graphic of my home city. I’m thinking it would be fun to put an image on a shirt or mug at a site like Zazzle.

While doing that I thought it would also be fun to have my actual running also on a shirt.

I’d like to Export city life map bounded by home city boundaries.
Sometimes without underlying map and boundaries.
Sometimes with transparent background.
Sometimes incorporating date filter in export.
Sometimes as PNG
Sometimes as SVG

Filtering is helpful if/when folks do simple illustrations of progress. For instance, I’ve been taking a screen shot each week and putting it together as a small gif which gives a short illustration of how I progressed through the city.

This other tool may do some of what you want - Strava Multiple Ride Mapper

There is this past topic that similarly talked about progress visualization.

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In the same vein, there is also this idea - Merch/Fundraising Idea

I’m sure I would ever have a use for it, but I do like the idea.