Indian Trail is a gated road - I ran up to the gate
SW 50th St is a gated road - 6 nodes need to be removed
Sheridan St - there is no sidewalk on the south side of the road between N Douglas and N University
While Mark is technically correct, it’s also very possible that you’re not interested in learning how to work with OpenStreetMap. That’s valid, regardless of the reason.
For anyone who can help out, here are helpful links…
Cooper City, Florida - CityStrides (you can get to its OSM counterpart by opening the top right three-dot vertical menu and choosing OpenStreetMap)
@saintry17 I have gone through these requests but have just completed the first one. See below for comments on each:
Indian Trail: I have updated this to be marked as access = private
SW 50th Street: I have not made changes as this street runs across the whole town and I am not sure which nodes / which area should be marked as private
Sheridan Street: I have not made changes here because the nodes do not demarcate sidewalk, they pertain to the street. I don’t know what the right change (if any) would be in OSM to address this issue without compromising the OSM data.
The way to do this is to add or change sidewalk info for the road segment(s) for which there are no sidewalks. The OSM Wiki has examples of exactly how to do this. In this case, you’ll use either sidewalk:right or sidewalk:left to add information on missing sidewalks on one side of the road. Each line in OSM has a direction, which can differ from the direction of traffic; with one-way roads, the direction of the way is the same as direction of traffic. In this instance, you’d use sidewalk:right=no.
I don’t know if adding the sidewalk=no tag removes the road segment from CityStrides.
I would typically agree that most streets are okay to run without a sidewalk but this is a 4 lane road with a 45 mph speed limit. Also, on Sheridan St between NW 89th Ave and N University Drive on the south side there is a small shoulder against a guardail. Definitely not a safe place to be running.