Choose activities to import

This kind of has merit. Especially if one typically has several activities in a day, but only one of those activities was collecting nodes (streets). I’d almost be willing to say, “flag my account as manual only”, and I will add my Strides manually. But, at the moment, as a non-subscriber, I don’t have that option ( Single-Activity Syncing ).

But hey, maybe it should only be only manual sync for non-supporters, and only supporters get auto sync. That might work on many levels; reduces syncs and increases supporters (who want auto syncing). It also means accounts are not getting sync’d of, perhaps, people who have lost interest? I doubt many people say, “I’ve lost interest in CityStrides, I better delete my account.”

James isn’t in here, otherwise I would tag him. Maybe I’ll find another place to mention this idea… What do you think @dallas.devries, you’ve been around a while?

Edit: Learned I can tag even if he isn’t “here.” Trying. @JamesChevalier Hey, it does work, but I knew it would. :slight_smile:

I’m hopeful the direct Garmin interface comes through, and that I can cut, at least my, Strava cord.

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