City and Street progress missing

I’ve been trying to at least glance through all the new support topics since realizing I have a bit of a major issue with my account, and don’t think I’ve seen it addressed specifically. It seems like nearly all the streets I’ve run no longer align “perfectly” with the nodes on the map, and as a result, I’ve lost pretty much all progress everywhere I’ve ever run. I’m down to 5 cities (including a duplicate) despite all my runs being present in my lifemap. I’m really psyched to see so many new towns, just bummed that all my work this far has essentially not contributed. I know the sync button for supporters was temporarily turned off, but I doubt that is a related issue. Is there a fix in the works for this? Or a timetable of some sort? Apologies if I missed something, I just finished 10 hours in the lab and my brain is a little toasty right now :slight_smile: Thanks!

I think this is due to the global data project … I really :poop: that one up good - does this post seem similar?

Somewhat similar in that I’m missing all but 5 of my cities. It doesn’t sound like they were having issues with streets in their existing cities not counting though. I have a bunch of instances where my line of travel goes directly through nodes, but they’re still red and not counting towards anything. It’s quite possible it’s related to the (awesome, but malfunctioning) update. I only just got the chance to login this week and couldn’t tell you exactly when it happened.

Similarly, I am missing all but 3 of my cities, streets complete dropped from approx 400 to less than 60, and percentage completed has plummeted. Last night’s run processed immediately, but loads

Oddly, my profile / lifemap streetviews for the remaining cities show all streets covered correctly.

My lifemap shows my streets covered correctly as well. Sounds like we’re having the same problem

A post was split to a new topic: Missing Lyon France

Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is that same issue - I’m going to merge the posts together.
The core issue is that my code skipped a bunch of accounts while determining progress against the new city data. I’m working on it now, though.


James, i have the same problem being repeated here, life map looks good but my coverage of Boston went from 20% to 2% and missing a whole bunch of additional streets. Really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in.

Thanks James!

Same problem here.
But the solution is on his way.
Good job James :smiley:

Hi! Many of my cities with progress have disappeared and for those that haven’t, my progress has dropped way down. For example, I went from roughly 55% for Boston to 1%. Sounds like others are having similar issues?

Yep, same here.

same has happened to me.

I still have the problem. 40 pages with activities on my profile, but only a few streets on the first page. The 39 pages are blank

I bribed James to do that to you. It was the only way I was going to catch up to you. It worked better than I hoped! :wink:


Still waitin’ on that bribe money :wink: :laughing:


This thread is getting quite long, so I’ll post an update…

My initial pass through of matching up existing activities to all the new data missed piles of activities.
I’m going through that process again, in the order of Subscribers → Supporters → Everyone else. There’s a lot to go through, so that last group is going to take :man_shrugging: probably a couple days. I’m hopeful that the first two groups are finished today.

Since it seems to be affecting so many people, I’m just going through everyone rather than spot check. Please hold off on any more “also my account” posts for now. I’m going to post another update in this thread when (I think) I’m done - if there is any missing progress at that point, I’ll invite people to shout. :smile:


Hi James

i hope you are still syncing ?
My life map looks ok but I see only a few days in my profile and in the cities I run (Only from 18 sep 2019). For instance Amsterdam from 78,49 % to 1,21% :slight_smile:
I think all my runs before that date are not (yet?) syncronised?
I see 117 streets, that should be something like 6000+ i thought give or take a 1000
I also see 340 striders instead of 941 before in Amsterdam?
lastly i noticed that the number of ‘streets’ has changed from 6440 to around 4700 that is in line with expectations

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A post was split to a new topic: Some missing cities

Hi @JamesChevalier. As you mentioned above,the resync for subscribers/supporters should be through around now, i still see 38 streets at my profile instead of almost 5000. You think it takes a bit longer than 24 hours to get all synced again?