Activities are being captured but my map isn’t updating. Looks like the last map sync was in 12/024
I’m only using city strides to track progress toward a project to run all the roads in my town…so the map not updating is a deal breaker for me
I have checked to ensure Strava hasn’t paused syncing. I have also logged out and logged back in.
This one is confusing to me - are you saying that the activity is displayed in your list of activities on your profile page, but not on your LifeMap or on your city page?
There is no “map sync” for our activities. The LifeMap page, and our city pages directly show the activity data - if it exists in the database, then it will be displayed.
City Strides shows that it captured my Feb 11 run of 1.85mi.
Per the attached screencap, the loop to the west of “Proctor Knott” should be filled on the CS map if that run was captured. My strava account shows that I covered that loop. However, per the city strides part of the screencap, that portion of the map isn’t filled.
My activities show that the Feb 11 run was synced so I don’t know why the route
doesn’t reflect in the lifemap.
So the activity page displays the loop that you’d expect to see in your LifeMap? (Only you will be able to see that page)
Ok so I have checked the dates and it looks like I was mixing up two runs. The run in question was yesterday Feb 12, but it looks like the run itself wasn’t captured into my activities list.
Similar issue with a run from Jan 18. The run is in strava but it looks like the issue is that it was never “sent to” city strides.
So rather than the run being in activities but not in the lifemap, it looks like these 2 runs aren’t being captured by CS at all 
All of my strava activity is is exported to strava by other apps. I use Nike Run Club, which shares my run to strava, which shares the run to city strides. Maybe that’s the issue? 
Ah, ok … looks like the sync I just ran may have brought them in. Let me know how it looks now.
That’s got it fixed - thank you! Any idea why they didn’t sync?