20% of the "streets" in my city are not streets or private property

I know this site is rather new but why are there so many streets that are not really streets? I would estimate 20% or more of the indicated streets are not streets in the classical sense. Private property, parking lot streets, access roads with no names to buildings, etc.

Why is this not editable? There should be a peer reviewed method to remove or edit these “streets”. Outside of OSM.

Not that new. Been around 5+ years.

Cause someone entered them as streets in OSM at some point. You can view the history of a street by searching for it, selecting it and then selecting the View History link in bottom left. Depending on the number of active OSM users in your area, some streets mayS have not been updated in awhile.

That’s exactly what OSM is. Anyone can create an OSM account and update their local area.

Where? Locally in CityStrides? How would that be better than editing in OSM? As of right now there are 26251 users on CityStrides platform. OSM has 7,246,058 users as of Dec. 20th. As die-hard as some of us CS users are, we can’t re-map the world. In addition, if there were to be “local” editing of streets on CS, that would mean CS would have to “own” that change forever. It wouldn’t be able to pull in any updates (ex: street is removed, changes name, etc) for that street from OSM.


I am not going to underestimate the ability, number of potential users, and free time some people have. To me, OSM has its uses but this place could be something more dedicated.

That would be like if Google maps used OSM for directions, and then it would have you driving through peoples back yards and parking lots to get somewhere. They went above and beyond.

It’s actually really simple. Much like in Strava, you can flag an activity, you could easily flag a street or nodes as private, not a street, etc. You could view the history, moderate it, etc.

CS used to have that exact functionality where you could flag a ‘street’ as not a street. But it became too much for the creator, James, to handle and the site moved to importing from OSM more often.

Thanks for the replies.

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Flagging a street here as “private, not a street, etc.” can just as easily be done in OSM as it is here. More importantly, the changes you make in OSM also improve every other service’s map that also relies on OSM for their mapping.


@atravis There is some good info in the CS wiki ( Wiki - CityStrides Community ).

If you are interested in making OSM updates, there is this (in the wiki): OSM Basics

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