Smaller sections of big cities

@danchaitow see Jim’s post here about that Country → Region → City

It’s a super cool idea that would be neat to have, but doesn’t seem like a feasible or high priority issue at the moment.

I’m working on my home city of Calgary, Alberta which has over 9,000 streets and I figure at my current rate it would take >7 years to complete. But that’s half the fun! Every street = 0.01% (roughly) and I can see that slow, continual progression. Even though our city is ~3.5x bigger than Queens, it takes until #10 Strider to get to 2% :wink: Maybe that’s just because we have more Striders?

I also keep track of the neighbourhoods that I complete just for my own fun, and it was just a matter of looking up the city’s Wikipedia page, downloading to Excel and keeping track there.