Runs Missing in City, show up in Lifemap

I’ve moved to Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Runs done here show up in my Lifemap. However, when I access the city through search, none of my runs appear. In settings, it’s not available in the dropdown list to make it my default city.

I’d like to make this my new default city. I’m not sure if I’m missing a step or if it’s a glitch. Thanks for the great website and any help you can provide!

Must be a glitch in the import of the city. Says 0 streets.
@JamesChevalier probably need to import again ?

It’s weird. I just ran Peterborough streets today. They immediately showed up on my life map, but nothing in the city.

I’m running an update for Peterborough now, hopefully that sorts it out!

By “sort it out” I mean that it should add the streets & nodes in Peterborough and then it should reprocess all data within that city (any activity that has passed through it). So everyone’s percentage should automatically get corrected.

Thanks so much!

An update—there has been progress:

  • My individual runs show roads completed and progressed
  • I can (and have) set Peterborough as my default city
  • When I go to the city page, I see striders and their percentages

One last problem:

  • When I view the city page, my runs still don’t show on it

Shows for me

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Thank you. I was nagivating the site wrong, searching for cities not realizing my user# needed to be part of the URL. Appreciate this!