My default city is not my city

I live in Otterburn Park, Quebec, Canada. My default city is not my city. And in the list of city that I can choose from, my city is not showing. How can I fix this?

It looks like Otterburn Park isn’t in CityStrides.

I’m currently working on overhauling the city/street data, and it looks like Otterburn Park will fit right into the process I’m building. I don’t know how long it’ll take me to complete this, but it’s the only thing that I’m working on right now.


While you are in the process of overhauling the back-end, may I offer a feature for consideration? The ability to see street and city statistics in terms of distance rather than just percentages of nodes and streets. I.e., there are 700 miles of streets in my city, and I’ve completed 432 miles. Same for streets. You’ll need to capture information on ways in addition to just nodes to do it, so there’s legit complexity there, but it would really make the output a lot more meaningful.

Wow! Thanks for the update! My friends around will be pleased with it. We are a big running community around here. :slight_smile:

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I’d love that as well. I don’t currently understand node data enough to accomplish that, so I’ll need some help.

Somewhat related - I’ve also wanted to be able to display streets as lines on the map, rather than just a mess of dots. When I import the data, though, I condensed streets down to a single record (OSM can store streets in individual sections). It turns out that the ordering of these records is important (and I’m not ordering them correctly) so the mapped lines ended up being these wonky designs where e.g. nodes “1-4” were for section of the street after “5-10” so there was this very wrong line that connected 4-5. :man_facepalming:

There’s a lot of opportunity for data cleanup/organization here. :smile:

Yup, a “street” is not a concept in OSM. A street in the citystrides sense is a collection of ways that all happen to have the same name. So internally, you’re going to have to store the ways and ordering information. OSM also doesn’t have any node ordering. The ways will come in the correct order, but you’ll have to add a sequence number so you can pull them out of your database in order. And lastly, streets can be discontiguous, so you’ll have to render each way separately in order to avoid wrong renderings.

I haven’t been able to figure out the OSM ordering yet … Once I know which field represents that, I can store it locally.

I was really trying to avoid storing streets separately - that causes lots of pain in Rails. I may need to store the OSM data as “segments” and then use my “street” model as a joining of all segments. I’m reminded of all the pain I went through when realizing there wasn’t a “street” in OSM. :scream:

There is no OSM field that stores the ordering… but the way is guaranteed to come in the correct order, so you will have to add an additional sequence number of your own to keep the node ordering in your database for each way.

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