Limit activity sync to #citystrides tagged activities

I have been running the same streets over and over for months. Almost none of my runs now are new nodes. I asked myself “how can I avoid wasting CityStrides API calls?”

I wondered if there was some way to tag an activity in Strava (in the description perhaps?) that would indicate to citystrides that it should be imported.

This would perhaps not be a default setting (too much overhead for noobs) but for someone like me, where I have like 90% of everything done, I could easily tag the runs I wanted to upload, rather than having them autosync, if there was a way to do that.

Presently it seems CityStrides syncs even before I get to edit the titles, so I’m skeptical this is possible.

Interesting idea.

I just suggest “manual only” over here: Limit daily syncs to 2 per user (which was also your idea :wink: )

I wonder if there is enough delay to edit the activity with the hashtag before CityStrides gets the hook and does anything else with it?

I also wonder what might ultimately make the most sense in terms of implementation (coding)?