Fixing Open Street Map

I am constantly updating missing name streets in various cities. In some cases more than half are nameless (e.g Salamis, Greece)

How long does it take to be updated in Citystides from OSM?
When I have already run a nameless street does it get automatically marked as “completed” after the update as a named street?
Or one has to go back again?

Cities are updated from OSM roughly monthly, but only if there are any Striders there. If nobody is running/walking a city, it doesn’t get updated. This can cause issues - if a city needs an update in order to correctly have Striders added to it, then I need to start that manually (so, someone needs to tell me about it).

New data from OSM updates automatically gets processed, so yes - if a new street shows up that you’ve already completed it will be marked as complete.

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Thanks. Citystrides is a motivation for me to run/walk, cover larger areas and also to provide information on OSM that even the local authorities neglect.


I regularly goto Portugal (around Olhao in Algarve) and have also found lots of “proper” Tarmac roads with no name so excluded from CS. Indeed I lost a couple of 100% complete cities round there as somebody had added a few names! Will rectify on next visit. Last time was there, tried to add any I saw a street name sign for. It seems been a lot of activity in recent years naming residential roads after poets and indeed building new housing/roads generally. Will have to see if such a GIS resource exists round there.

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It varies concelho to concelho, but I checked for you and Olhão does indeed have public geoportal with easy to navigate web-based maps: Geoportal

Haven’t made it there yet but looks gorgeous (as most of the Algarve is, of course). Happy updating OSM!

Great thanks, that is the place. Will take a closer look later. The “city” of Quelfes I almost ticked off in one run despite seemingly doing far less than 50% of actual Tarmac net alone all those “off road” tracks which often are effectively roads in the conventional sense.