City and Street progress missing

Hi. I also seem to have lost my entire history. My default city in Lifemap is not in the Netherlands anymore. It is now Pittsburgh, US instead? Could you please check this?

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Hi James, is it lack of patience from me or is there a reason i only see 38 streets on my name compared to 4970 last time i looked?

Is there a way to remap all runs from oldest to newest? Now the runs from last weeks have tons of streets in progress although before i already had done them a long time ago, but htose runs are not processed.

Itā€™s not a great deal, just curious how it works. In the end all my completed cities will return i am sure.

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James youā€™ve destroyed my stats!!! Iā€™m assuming I just need to be patient while all the data gets resynced, but I do want you to know I went from 1150ish streets to 50, and from a dozen or so cities to 4. My map still looks right so itā€™s probably a matter of the streets catching up.

My life map still looks ok but I lost my completed cities list in my profile and all activities show 0 completed streets and 0 progress

please check this
and this thread

Iā€™ve been trying to at least glance through all the new support topics since realizing I have a bit of a major issue with my account, and donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen it addressed specifically. It seems like nearly all the streets Iā€™ve run no longer align ā€œperfectlyā€ with the nodes on the map, and as a result, Iā€™ve lost pretty much all progress everywhere Iā€™ve ever run. Iā€™m down to 5 cities (including a duplicate) despite all my runs being present in my lifemap. Iā€™m really psyched to see so many new towns, just bummed that all my work this far has essentially not contributed. I know the sync button for supporters was temporarily turned off, but I doubt that is a related issue. Is there a fix in the works for this? Or a timetable of some sort? Apologies if I missed something, I just finished 10 hours in the lab and my brain is a little toasty right now :slight_smile: Thanks!

I think this is due to the global data project ā€¦ I really :poop: that one up good - does this post seem similar?

Somewhat similar in that Iā€™m missing all but 5 of my cities. It doesnā€™t sound like they were having issues with streets in their existing cities not counting though. I have a bunch of instances where my line of travel goes directly through nodes, but theyā€™re still red and not counting towards anything. Itā€™s quite possible itā€™s related to the (awesome, but malfunctioning) update. I only just got the chance to login this week and couldnā€™t tell you exactly when it happened.

Similarly, I am missing all but 3 of my cities, streets complete dropped from approx 400 to less than 60, and percentage completed has plummeted. Last nightā€™s run processed immediately, but loads

Oddly, my profile / lifemap streetviews for the remaining cities show all streets covered correctly.

My lifemap shows my streets covered correctly as well. Sounds like weā€™re having the same problem

A post was split to a new topic: Missing Lyon France

Yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure this is that same issue - Iā€™m going to merge the posts together.
The core issue is that my code skipped a bunch of accounts while determining progress against the new city data. Iā€™m working on it now, though.


James, i have the same problem being repeated here, life map looks good but my coverage of Boston went from 20% to 2% and missing a whole bunch of additional streets. Really appreciate all the hard work you are putting in.

Thanks James!

Same problem here.
But the solution is on his way.
Good job James :smiley:

Hi! Many of my cities with progress have disappeared and for those that havenā€™t, my progress has dropped way down. For example, I went from roughly 55% for Boston to 1%. Sounds like others are having similar issues?

Yep, same here.

same has happened to me.

I still have the problem. 40 pages with activities on my profile, but only a few streets on the first page. The 39 pages are blank

I bribed James to do that to you. It was the only way I was going to catch up to you. It worked better than I hoped! :wink: