Broken Lifemap/Streets

I’ve been trying to at least glance through all the new support topics since realizing I have a bit of a major issue with my account, and don’t think I’ve seen it addressed specifically. It seems like nearly all the streets I’ve run no longer align “perfectly” with the nodes on the map, and as a result, I’ve lost pretty much all progress everywhere I’ve ever run. I’m down to 5 cities (including a duplicate) despite all my runs being present in my lifemap. I’m really psyched to see so many new towns, just bummed that all my work this far has essentially not contributed. I know the sync button for supporters was temporarily turned off, but I doubt that is a related issue. Is there a fix in the works for this? Or a timetable of some sort? Apologies if I missed something, I just finished 10 hours in the lab and my brain is a little toasty right now :slight_smile: Thanks!

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: All city/street progress missing