Bad OSM edits corrected

I got an update from CS that Ottawa Hills, OH was updated and that two streets were affected.

They cannot be completed because it turns out both of those changes were bad OSM edits which I have corrected.

It will certainly be remedied in the next automagic update when it comes around again, but it is a small city that would get processed fairly quickly.

Yeah, I added a button for myself that lets me push through cities to be synced instead of waiting the ~month. I just sent Ottawa Hills through.

:thinking: it says it was updated, but the bad data remains
:upside_down_face: oh right, the Overpass server is lagged behind OpenStreetMap by an amount of time … let me see what that delay looks like

Looks like there are two datasets. One of them seems to be lagging by ~3 minutes, and the other (I think the set that is being used for this update) by ~6 hours.

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Ok. Thanks.

We’ll just have re-re-update tonight or tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the help.

Time to try again?

Looks good, @JamesChevalier
Thanks for the help.