Apartment Parking lots and private drives

Cities in CityStrides receive new updates ~5-6 weeks on a rolling basis. East Lansing last received an update on April 13th (listed in the top left of city page) so next ingest of new OpenStreetMap (OSM) should be soon.

Before making any changes in OSM, it’s recommended to take a look at a couple of the wiki threads about OSM (ex: here & here). In addition, OSM data is used by more than just CityStrides. So before making any changes, think about if this is a proper change for all.

If you aren’t sure about a change, recommend adding a note to OSM vs making change outright. That way other OSM users can weigh in.

Do you have a couple examples in East Lansing of where a parking lot/private drive is included in CityStrides? Could take a second look to confirm the change.